Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela tribe resides in South Africa's North West Province under
the jurisdiction of the Moses Kotane Local Municipality in the vicinity of Sun
City. Our tribal capital, the village of Moruleng, is a short three
kilometres from Bakgatla Gate on the edge of the Pilanesberg National Park.
The Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela have lived and worked there since the 1800s, when Kgosi
Pilane settled his people at Mmasobudule on the Elands River, in the area known
today as the Pilanesberg. It is comprised of 32 villages spread across an area
of 160 000 hectares in the Bojanala District and Moses Kotane
Local Municipality. It also shares borders with Limpopo Province, from the Thabazimbi side, and Botswana on the North West side.
"A viable and sustainable Morafe (Community)"